Credit Counseling

Looking at your credit report will usually be a part of credit counseling and getting back on the right track financially. A credit report reflects your consumer credit history. It used to just be used to determine creditworthiness, but now it is also being used by insurance companies to determine premiums, and even prospective employers to determine if you are the right candidate for the job.
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Course Module: About Credit Report

Your Credit Report: How to Read It

Since credit reports are now so important, you should get a copy of your credit report and take the time to learn how to read it. And if you find any discrepancies, you should challenge them right away.

Credit Report Types and Categories
There are two types of credit reports; The business and the consumer version.
Getting on Track with Your Credit
One of the main reasons people get in too deep with their credit is that they don’t manage it effectively. Here are some of the best ways to start taking control.
Your Credit Score: What It Is and How It’s Calculated
When it comes to credit repair, there are many professional organizations out there who are willing to help you with this monumental endeavor. It takes a lot to make repairs to bad credit and it can be overwhelming when you try to do it on your own. That’s why these professional organizations were formed and they can invaluable for you.

Course Module: About Credit Counseling

Why You Should Consider a Credit Counselor

A lot of people feel embarrassed at the idea of going to a credit counselor. But think of it as a chance to get a mini college course about managing your money.

How Consumer Credit Counseling Can Help You
Consumer credit counseling, as the name suggests, offers counseling to consumers in relation to how they use credit.
Credit Counseling Can Help
Credit counseling is a service designed to educate consumers about how to pay off their debts and stay out of debt. Credit counseling will usually involve the person who needs counseling gathering all their bills and credit card statements together to analyze their situation with the help of a counselor and come up with a structured plan to pay down the debt.
Credit Card Debt: Tips to Pay It Down
There are two main strategies for paying down credit card debt. Using either one can help you go for your goals of freeing yourself from interest payments so you will have more financial freedom.
Debt Management vs Credit Counseling
A lot of people who get into trouble with credit card debt become tempted by offers of debt management, debt negotiation, and debt consolidation. It is important to note that credit counseling and debt management are NOT the same. There are companies that offer both; however, most debt management companies will charge for their services, as compared with non-profit and free credit counseling services.
What to Look for in a Credit Counseling Service
Choosing the right credit counseling service could be one of the most important decisions you ever make when it comes to your finances. You should look for a company that puts your financial education and goals first. Even non-profit companies can be all about the money if you are not careful.
Types of Credit Counseling Services

There are a number of different areas of credit counseling that might be right for you. It is a question of how much debt you have, and the nature of that debt.

Common debts include:
* Credit card/store card debt
* Mortgage/housing-related debt
* Student loan debt

Some consumer credit counseling services may offer debt management and/or debt settlement. Some will also offer bankruptcy counseling.

DIY Counseling: Credit Card Offers
Credit cards seem like such an easy way to pay for everything – online, over the phone, and in person. You don’t have to fiddle for cash; all you have to do is swipe or insert the card so the machine can read the chip. In most cases, you don’t even have to sign for your purchases. Some credit cards are simply tapped and go.

Price: $29


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